9/7- The red ball division is cancelled in the West Chester Junior Tennis League. All others will still be on for now.
5/18- The Following Leagues and Divisions are Cancelled for today:
- Marple Newtown All Divisions
- West Chester All Divisions
- West Bradford Jr Tennis League: All Divisions
- Southwest Chester County League at Avon Grove MS: All Divisions
- Central Delco Jr. Tennis League: Green Ball Division
5/12- Southwest Chester County League at Avon Grove is canceled for today. West Chester Junior tennis league makeup is cancelled for today. Lionville is on for now.
5/5- All divisions for the Lionville, Southwest Chester County and West Chester Junior Tennis Leagues have been cancelled for today.
5/4- The green ball session of the Central Delco tennis league has been canceled for today. All sessions at the Marple Newtown and West Chester leagues have been canceled today.
4/27- The Orange and Green Divisions of the West Chester Junior Tennis League have been cancelled for today and we will make it up at a date to be determined. The Orange and Green Divisions of the Marple Newtown Junior Tennis League have also been cancelled and we are doing a makeup tomorrow at the same times: 2:30- Red Ball, 3:45- Orange Ball, 5:00- Green Ball.
4/20- The Central Delco League in Aston has been cancelled for this morning and is being made up tomorrow from 12pm-3pm. Check your e-mail for details. The West Bradford Jr. Tennis league has been cancelled for the morning. We are looking at a Sunday afternoon makeup for that in the future and will have more details soon.
4/13- All Leagues are on this morning.